出生 1965
籍貫 台灣-高雄

Born in 1965
Native place Kaohsiung-Taiwan
Graduated in Institute of Fine Arts, Tung Hai University

Born in Kaohsiung in 1965, he graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts at Tunghai University and has spent years in landscape
painting. His works conveyed peace and persistence like him. His artistic expressions are mainly divided into two unique forms:
"texturing with dry brush" and "rendering with water and ink". In terms of technique, he used the brush's texturing method to m-
eticulously describe the texture of the landscape. On the Xuan paper, the textured light and dark shadows, like pencil sketches,
were drawn on the drawing paper to give new life to the natural mountains and rivers in the landscape painting. In addition, he
also uses water and ink rendering techniques to complement inks with color, visually achieving a pure and elegant world in wh-
ich colors and inks do not interfere with each other. In the composition, he appropriately adopts the perspective techniques of
Western paintings, and at the same time, he can arrange perspectives from far and near, to develop another more beyond the
world and ethereal appearance for classical landscape painting. Su Chung-Ming's works center on Chinese literati's ink and w-
ater connotations, rooted in tradition, and reinterpret the landscape and appearance of ideas of life through Western painting
techniques and modern and contemporary thinking.
2017  落紙雲煙,正藝美學空間,台北市
2016  白霧溪山,王朝藝術文化空間,台北市
2016  曠遠綿渺,藝融美術館,北京 中國
2016  溪山清遠,Chez Jun Salon d’art,東京 日本
2016  程式新韻,高雄市立美術館,高雄市
2014  拾古佈畫,華山文創園區  約茶不夜,台北市
2013  人間曠味,梅門賞廳,新竹市
2010  蘇崇銘水墨畫展,立法院文化藝廊,台北市
2007  自然感通‧破『境』重圓,高雄市立美術館,高雄市
2006  蘇崇銘水墨畫展,佛光緣美術館,台北市
2003  墨漬‧筆趣,東海大學藝術中心,台中市
2001  記憶深處常飄香,台北市立圖書館三民分館,台北市
1996  化盡‧畫境,台北市立圖書館三民分館,台北市

2015  第二回合次世代藝術家展,kasagi畫廊,鐮倉市  日本
2015  以自然與真實為名-藝術家的心靈風景,文化部藝術銀行,台中市
2014  當代水墨「運水留彩」,新藝術博覽會,台北市
2012  鑠古耀今-兩岸水墨精品展,三才畫廊,台中市
2012  台中藝術博覽會,台中市

Solo Exhibitions
2017  Luo Zhi Yun Yan, Zheng’I Aesthetic Space, Taipei City
2016  Bai Wu Xi Shan,  Wangchao Art & Culture Space, Taipei City
2016  Kuang Yuan Mian Miao,  Irong Fine Art Gallery, Beijing, China
2016  Xi Shan Qing Yuan,  Chez Jun Salon d’art, Tokyo, Japan
2016  Cheng Shih Xin Yun,  Kaohsiung City Art Museum, Kaohsiung City
2014  Shi Gu Bu Hua,  Huashan Creative Culture Park, Ye Classical Art Gallery, Taipei City
2013  World Circumstances  View Hall of Mei Men, Hsinchu City
2010  Su, Chung-Ming’s Ink Wash Painting Exhibition, Culture Gallery, Legislative Yuan,Taipei City
2007  Natural Sense‧Reunion of Breaking “Realms”—Kaohsiung City Art Museum,Kaohsiung City
2006  Su Chung-Ming’s Ink Wash Painting Exhibition  Fo Guang Yuan Art Gallery   Taipei City
2003  Ink ‧Writing Brush Fun—Art Center of Tung Hai University, Taichung City
2001  Memories of Deep Fragrance—Sanmin Branch, Taipei Public Library, Taipei City
1996  Exhaustion‧Painting Realms—Sanmin Branch, Taipei Public Library, Taipei City

Group Exhibition
2015  Second Round Next Generation Artist Exhibition,  Kasagi Art Gallery, Kamakura-shi,Japan
2015  In the name of nature and reality-- Artist's mind landscape, Art Bank, Ministry of Culture , Taichung City
2014  Contemporary Ink Wash Painting  “Yun Shui Liu Cai”  New Art Expo. Taipei City
2012  Great Pieces-Taiwan and China Excellent Ink Wash Painting Exhibition, Sancai Art Gallery, Taichung City Art Museum
2012  Art Taichung,Taichung
Kaohsiung Fine Arts Museum, Art Bank, Ministry of Culture, private collections
蘇崇銘 69.5x136cm 私人收藏
蘇崇銘 69.5x136cm 私人收藏