
林金標的作品本源於超現實主義(Surrealism),卻沒有超現實主義裡最重要的潛意識和夢境等元素,有的話應該是接受基里柯(Giorgio de Chirico)形而上繪畫(Pittura Metafisica)所言:「通過繪畫來構築新物體的形而上心理」的學說影響。這種風格有如美學家詹明信(Fredric Jameson)所辯護的「沒有潛意識的超現實主義」,早已溢出超現實主義與現代主義(Modernism)的範疇,進入到「後現代主義」(Post-modernism)的語意中。

   Current period is a unique era. While people enjoy the convenience in life brought by tech-nology,psychological disturbance and apprehension accompany with advancement of society are seriously threatening survival of human beings.Post-modernism,arising from 70’ in 20th century till today without sings of fading, adds bit favor of reminiscent history into modernism and searches for anciern spirit of humanism to make up shortcomings of western civi-lization of materials.
Such a phenomenon is reflected in the trend of contemporary art. While art forms of all styles were once been through and died out, artists could only expect to find possible right angle to enter and explore by reviewing every pen craft in the history of art. It is to blend per-sonal life experience of the artist into his creation of art in parallel, creating art in such a way that it asserts personal signature as well as presents contemporary spirit and interfaces with history.
Being guided by such thinking, I went from ancient fresco to the adoption of meaning of western and eastern spiritual civilization. And by using symbolic denotations, creatures in Mother Nature and events in daily life are becoming the medium through which personal lan-guage in painting is best expressed. The exhibition”rock, cave, floater, history” held in Provincial Art Gallery Tai-Chung (Now it is renamed National Art Gallery), was based on such a tachniqe in 1999. At the initial stage of improvisation of this series.”endurance, obscurity, reflection, revival”, I was smitten by 911-attack of terrorism and my beloved father’s pass-away. A sense of feeling of suspiration grew out of the transience of life. These emotions down and in depth were naturally transformed and mingled into different scenes of creations in the system, while facing the moment of improvisations. Unclothing the disguise of art form of multi-oriented medium, it points direcly to the loft presentation of contemporary spirits of humanism.
The phrase,”endurance, obscurity, reflection,revival”,was a restructure of a set of words created by myself to correspond to the connotation brewed inside and sophistication of the peri-od embedded in paintings, meaning further, obscure, re-seeable,and rebirth. Through interpre-tation of paintings, these originally mysterious, profound, and abstruse  wordings are surprising-ly able to lucidly present the inner image while in painting.  

林金標的作品擁有精湛的寫實技巧,卻不以技法為滿足,其創作旨在彰顯圖像語彙的精神層面,追求心靈純淨、崇高與超然的體驗。在新近作品中,作者的自我以不停的幻化方式呈現,時而遊於地下洞窟的魟魚、穿梭歷史時空的水母、回到童年記憶的潛水員、希望身心靈和諧的天籟樂手,或是熱愛自然環保的人文行腳等。 林金標創造出的繪畫圖像充滿精神能量,不僅反射其自我的內在欲求與理想典範,同時亦能深刻的映照在觀賞者的腦海記憶裡,時而意蘊凝斂,如同進行一場心靈洗禮的祭儀,時而脈動合流,引領觀者性靈相通地走進畫作創造出的情境場域中。
出生:1962  台灣  宜蘭

1991  法國巴黎第八大學造形藝術碩士
1985  中國文化大學美術系學士

2006~ 中國文化大學美術系專任教授
2012~ 博藝畫廊策展人   

2013 《藏水於林》林金標創作畫展於博藝畫廊 台北
2012 《迎光而行》林金標創作畫展於宏藝術 台北
2010 《潛行》林金標創作畫展於國立國父紀念館 台北
2003 《悠微照臨》林金標創作畫展於國立國父紀念館 台北
1999 《岩洞浮史》林金標個展於國立美術館 台中
1991  首次個展於新生畫廊 台北

2016「2016台北國際藝術博覽會」於台北世貿中心  台北
2015 「2015台北國際藝術博覽會」於台北世貿中心  台北
2013 「亞洲國際美展」於泰國曼谷美術館 泰國
2011 「亞洲國際美展」於韓國首爾市立美術館 韓國
2010 「亞洲國際美展」於蒙古歷史博物館,烏蘭巴托,蒙古
2009 「亞洲國際美展」於新加坡美術館 新加坡
1999 「亞洲國際美展」於日本福岡市亞細亞美術館 日本                                                   
1992 「台灣力量‧台北畫派大展」於台北市立美術館 台北

1992  奇美文化基金會藝術人才培訓獎 台南
1986  國軍文藝創作獎油畫類銅像獎 台北

國立歷史博物館 台北
國立國父紀念館 台北
國立蒙藏委員會 台北
宜蘭美術館 宜蘭
奇美文化基金會 台南

Date Of Birth :1962 Taiwan

1991 M.F.A. Universite de Paris VIII,Paris,France.
1985 B.A.Chinese Culture University,Taipei,Taiwan

2006~ Professor in the Fine Art Department of the Chinese Culture University.
2012~ Curator of Bo Art Gallery

【Solo Exhibition】
2013 Bo Art Gallery , Taipei
2012 Hong Art Gallery, Taipei
2010 Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Taipei
2003 Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall,Taipei
1999 National Art Museum,Taichung
1991 New Life Gallery,Taipei

【Group Exhibition】
2016 Art Taipei,The World Trade Center,Taipei.
2015 Art Taipei,The World Trade Center,Taipei.
2013 Asian International Art Exhibition,Bangkok,Thailand.
2011 Asian International Art Exhibition,Seoul,Korea.
2010 Asian International Art Exhibition,Ulaanbaatar,Mongkok
2009 Asian International Art Exhibition, The Art Museum, Singapore.
1999 Asian International Art Exhibition, Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka,Japan.
1992 The Art Museum,Taipei.

1992 Scholarship,The 4 th Chi –Mei Culture Fundation,Tainan.
1986 Bronze Medal.Armed Forces Literature and Fine Arts Contest,Taiwan.

National History Of Museum,Taipei.
Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall,Taipei
Mongkok, Tibet Committee,Taipei
Museum of Yilan,Yilan
Chi –Mei Culture Fundation,Tainan.
林金標 234x200cm NTD 1,840,000
林金標 60.5x50.5cm 私人收藏
林金標 200x235cm NTD 1,880,000
林金標 200x235cm NTD 1,880,000
十駿馬 Ten horses(NO.001-005)
十駿馬 Ten horses(NO.001-005)
林金標 97x130 cm 私人收藏
林金標 72.5x60.5cm 私人收藏
林金標 72.5x60.5cm 私人收藏
林金標 72.5x60.5cm NTD 200,000
林金標 72.5x60.5cm NTD 200,000